Saturday, October 30, 2010

Come on !!!

Hello everyone... I didn't keep my promise to set goals, post updates, etc. Part of the reason is that I was embarrassed about our progress... and didn't feel comfortable setting any reasonable goals. But, I still didn't keep my word. I apologize.

I also want to call you out! When this project was announced, the response was incredibly positive. I was so hopeful we were going to do something spectacular...

The softball tournament was a modest success... and anyone that donated to it has done their part. However, if you want to do more please do! There have been other ways to help the Kellys. If you have done one of these things, you have done your part. However, if you want to do more please donate here. Everyone else... I'm calling you out now: $20 from you isn't much... but if everyone that knew and loved Josh donated $20, we would raise a small fortune.

PLEASE DONATE, PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. If you are uncomfortable using a credit card and donating through this website, I will take a cash donation at this point. If you don't feel comfortable donating to me, I assure you there is no reason to feel this way. Please see my previous post to read about me and why I am doing this.

I don't want to make anyone who can't give feel guilty. But if if you can give, please, please, please do. Anyone who had Lee for a teacher, or Sally as a babysitter... we actually owe this family something. Anyone who was friends with Josh... Wouldn't we want someone to do something like this for our family if the situation was reversed?

I was originally going to leave the fund raising open for 6 weeks. That time expired today. I am appealing to everyone this last time, and I will continue to raise funds for exactly two more weeks from today. Then it will close no matter what, and I will present the check to the Kellys.

Thank you very much. Please see my previous post if you are unsure who I am. Please see the right side of your screen for the donate button, and information about this fund.
