Wednesday, September 15, 2010


My name is Eric Norrington. I am organizing this fundraiser on behalf of myself and many of Josh Kelly's other childhood friends.

Lots of you know me... but hopefully this site will have so many visitors that there will also be many of you who don't. To the strangers: I should introduce myself and explain why I'm doing this.

Josh and I go all the way back to elementary school, and in my childhood the Kellys were a second family. Josh and I played baseball (and got into trouble) together all the way from tee ball through high school. After baseball and school we began to spend less time together... but if you knew Josh you will understand this: We packed a lifetime of living into those early years. The bond we developed was never broken, and for the 10 years since high school Josh, Lee, and I have made sure to spend one day together each year. I love Josh... and I love the Kelly family.

So... Thank you to every person who visits this site, and especially to those of you who contribute... Keep in mind that if you can't give money it's ok. Just give what you can, if you can... But, everyone, please be sure to spread the word. Tell everyone you know about this fund... Tell them about JK, to whose loving memory it's dedicated. Tell them about the Kelly family. Then they'll understand why they should give. I appreciate your help so much, and the Kellys will appreciate it more than any of us could possibly understand.

Please see the right side of your screen for more information on the fund. My contact info is there, in case you have questions. And you'll also find the donate button, please use it! I will post goals, updates, and progress reports as often as I can, so please check back. Thank you very much for your trust in me!

Thank You,